Social-cultural Centre Montehermoso
Vitoria-Gasteiz. 1993/1997
The Palace of Montehermoso is located on the foundational grounds of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, coinciding with the heights of the medieval hill.
The renovation project of the palace was done based on an initial hypothesis of shared entrances: it would hold both city technical offices and would allow cultural activity linked to the underground connection to the nearby Water Tank.
Throughout the course of construction, the decision was made to use the palace only as a cultural centre.
In any case, the intervention is articulated on the following points:
-To conserve and clarify the original plan of the building from its last intervention.
-To establish a physical connection from the building to the neighbouring water tank. In order to do so, a floor underneath the palace was dug. A ramp entrance was built and they were connected by an underground tunnel.
-To create a second operational patio (stairs-lifts-services) next to the current cloister, freeing it of the presence of these elements.
-To cover, though with overhead lighting, the mentioned cloister and operational pato.
-To show articulations, links to different areas through the pieces that connect them: stairs, ramps, interior and exterior woodwork, level changes, walkways, service centres, etc., accentuating in them the presence of the new.
Miguel Angel Campo
Juan Adrian Bueno
Javier Bárcena. Architect
Fernando Solé. Architect
Ernesto Larreategui. Draftsman
Juanma Sancho. Draftsman
Javier Errea. Structural work
César San Millán. Photography
Javier Valdivielso
Iñigo Hierro
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