Hotel in Irún
This area is on the French-Spanish border.
The 5000 lorries that go by on a daily basis create an oppressive landscape. The location of the building inside the Integral Transport Area requires the acceptance of the physical presence of large vehicles in the area.
We had to catch this landscape, and take it on for ourselves before undertaking the project. Our first decision was to capture those surroundings.
The strictly rectangular lot defines and limits the main enclosure, delimiting a predictable formal result.
To this limitation, we must add the little interest that a hotel has in terms of spatiality, with more domestic-type requirements (room sequence) than singular building requirements.
In dialogue with the initial enclosure, a partial excavation operation on upper levels is planned.
The final image is articulated based on the idea of a vertical weaving of laminated wood pillars that modulate and organize exterior parameters such as windows, etc.
The weaved enclosure, like a superimposed façade, makes the building stand out in the distance.
Miguel Angel Campo
Agustín Tajada. Draftsman
Eduardo Martín. Structural work
César San Millán. Photography
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-A+t materiales sensibles. Vitoria-Gasteiz 1999. Edita a+t ediciones. Pág. 126-133
-Fanzine Acción Nº 9. AMBA. Asociación de amigos del museo de Bellas Artes y Artium de Álava. Diputación Foral de Álava. Pág. 12-13
-Tectónica 11. Revestimientos. Madera (I). Edita ATC Ediciones, S.L. Madrid. Pág. 64-73
-AV Monografías 81-82. España 2000. Anuario. Editor Arquitectura Viva S.L. Madrid enero-abril 2000. Pág. 30, 128-131
-Premios COAVN de arquitectura 2001. Bilbao, mayo de 2001. Pág. 34-37
-TC Cuadernos 69. Serie dédalo. Roberto Ercilla y Miguel Ángel Campo obra 1997-2005. Valencia, año 2013. Tribuna de Construcción. Edita Ediciones Generales de la Construcción. Pág. 70-81
-Arquitectura española 1975-2010. 35+ “Construyendo democracia”. Antonio Ruiz Barbarin, Héctor Barrio Domínguez. Madrid. Pág. 117