Treasury Office in Vitoria

We were asked to create an architectural configuration with an indefinite programme for general office use. Conditions of the lot for urban planning include two different heights at its ends – 5 and 8 storeys respectively – from which arises the proposal of a terraced building that naturally resolves both elevations.

The necessary use of a module to absorb different convertible elements, such as raised flooring, screens, or lattice, refers us to the bas element of 60 x 60 cm or industrial plate of raised flooring.
The lack of programmatic definition and predictable later modifications impede a hierarchy of formal and complex resolutions. The answer to this issue is produced by means of the incorporation of a façade-grate that extends like a skin that is perforated over its surface. Horizontal quartering reduces the perception of height, settling the building. Each inner space has three glass strips which provide three different visions to each workplace.

First Prize at the National PAD Awards (for stone), Sevilla
First Prize at the COAVN (Official Basque and Navarrese College of Architects) Awards, Building Category
Finalist 1st Spanish Architecture Biennial 91/93  
Diputación Foral Alava
Roberto Ercilla
Miguel Angel Campo
J.Luis Catón
César San Millán. Photography
11.000 m²
Juan Ayala Square. Vitoria

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-Guía de arquitectura de España 1929/1996. Fundación Caja de Arquitectos. Barcelona. Pág. 297
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