The Government Pavilion will bring together the various offices and campus services of the University of Málaga, as well as the office of the dean and the different offices of vice-deans, now located in other buildings. A medium-size 800-seat auditorium is also included as a separate volume, as well as a parking for 240 vehicles and an open-air audiorium.
Depending on how the space is organized, both government and administrative offices, and what behaviors may occur through architecture, so will the University will recognize itself. That is why government, administrative act as representative spaces, and should play a key role in the image projected by the University of Málaga.
We believe in an architecture with proportionate means, both constructive, and technological. The Government Pavilion is articulated around two patios of profuse vegetation, with species adapted to the lack of water, in order to generate a protected and fresh patio. The traditional courtyard serves to easily control temperature, humidity and ventilation. It also generates a space of important environmental value to which all office spaces are open. Patios also have a representative and iconic capacity. In fact, campus and university buildings have traditionally been organized throughout history by replicating the typology of the patio, the public square, the cloister, or the courtyard. This has shaped its most representative image, from Bologna (1088) to Cambridge (1209), the Sorbonne (1257) or Alcalá de Henares (1499).
The program is solved in a coherent way. The perimeter holds a strip with evacuation staircases, elevators, toilets, archives, and meeting rooms. The remaining space is occupied by open work areas capable of transformation in the future, and completely open to the two main courtyards. All this is by a simple architecture of expressive restraint and reminiscent of some elements from popular architecture, offering a lyrical architecture with proportionate resources, therefore sustainable, sensible and ambitious in its objectives.