Horizontal building without barriers, on two floors. It faces the issue of an uneven terrain by means of a moat-like pit which protects the facade. A grid layout like a small city with streets (corridors)and blocks (uses). Clear circulation and control of the Centre. On the roof there is a solarium, a terrace for the cafeteria and meeting room and an outdoor fitness circuit inside the building. Two exclusive parking areas:users of the facility, linked to a pedestrian area with children's play area and amphitheatre to the rear and an for facility employees and instructors, with a separate entrance. A main centralized entrance, from the side street, through a covered square which allows access to the two foyers (Civic Centre and Imaginary). A referential element in the Centre: the meeting room is designed to be a large lamp that reveals the public character. A multi-purpose stage area, which connects to stands from behind. The building boasts maximum energy efficiency, Level A.